3 Tips to Help You Live SUSTAINABLY!
1. Save every jar (within reason). I use upcycled mason jars from nut butters and salsa all the time. They’re great for holding dried goods, propagating plants and much much more. Just make sure it doesn’t become an obsession…
2. Eat more plants! Animal agriculture (in a factory farm setting) has a highly negative impact on the environment, but you don’t have to go fully vegan to make a difference. Just incorporating more veggies on your daily dinner plate can be a great first step, and make sure to support the local farmers in your area.
3. Rethink your transportation. The majority of car rides are within 5 miles of your home, so to cut down on environmental and traffic pollution, why not try a bike or public transportation instead? And if you have to drive, think about investing in an EV as there are lots of federal rebate programs available.
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