Espoma Gardening Projects

Espoma’s library of gardening projects is a great place to find an assortment of projects for all gardeners from newbie to experienced.

VIDEO: Catch up with Summer Rayne Oakes’ Shade Garden
Wow! Look how much the shade garden bed at Flock Finger Lakes has grown. With the help of Espoma Organic […]
Video: Planting Moss Containers for Spring
Take a look at how Laura from @GardenAnswer plants spring moss containers with the help of Espoma! Featured:
Have you ever heard of crevice gardening? Follow along as Summer Rayne Oakes of Homestead Brooklyn shows us how to […]
Cool Down with Warm Season Vegetables
5 Reasons to Cool Down with Warm Season Vegetables Saves you lots of money. Fun to do with the kids, Gets you outside into the fresh air & sunshine. Provides the best flavor, freshness & nutrition Satisfaction of growing your own food
Caring for Acid-Loving Plants
hydrangea care, hydrangea color, growing hydrangas
For Sweet Results, Feed Acid Loving Plants. Imagine enormous pink rhododendrons, evergreens that are vigorous and deep green without any yellowing, and sweet blueberries fresh from your garden.
Keep It Cool with Pansies
Don’t let those cute little faces fool you — pansies are tougher than they look —and unafraid of a little cold weather.
Have No Fear, Orchids Are Here!
There’s no reason for green thumbs to turn pale at the idea of growing orchids. True, some orchids are demanding, but others, not so much.
Plant Fall Bulbs to Brighten Your Spring
Bulbs are so easy to plant, and so worthwhile when they bloom. What are you waiting for? Get inspired by our favorites and get started by following a few simple steps.
Bring Outdoor Beauty Indoors
Time to bring your plants back indoors for the Winter? Here are few simple tips to ensure a healthy transition. Plus, this is also a good time to think about repotting.
Don’t Fall Short. Time to Feed Your Lawn!
organic lawn care, safe paws, lawn care tips, lawn lime
When Summer is coming to an end, help your lawn come back healthier and even more beautiful next spring. It's easy. Just follow 8 simple steps:
Video: Repotting Fiddle Leaf Fig with Garden Answer
Follow along as Laura from @Garden Answer takes care of her new fiddle leaf fig cuttings with the help of […]
Getting the Hang of Hanging Baskets
What's So Great About Hanging Baskets? Hanging Baskets... Are beautiful!, Last a lot longer than cut flowers, Add visual impact by bringing plants up to eye level, Are moveable and add interest in unexpected places, Can be purchased ready-made if you prefer –just hang ’em., Don’t require digging or weeding
Contain Your Excitement with 5 Great Annuals!
Gardeners can be Choosers - Let your imagination flow with possibilities, but keep a few things in mind. Think about sun, wind and shade requirements and where you're going to place your plants.
Make Mother’s Day Rosier than Ever!
It's a popular tradition to buy Mom Roses for Mother’s Day. This year, why not consider giving her some roses that will last for years rather than a few days.
9 Groundbreaking Tips for Summer Bulbs
We often think of planting bulbs as a Fall activity for Spring color, but there are many Summer Bulbs that can be planted now that bring bright color, cheer and sweet fragrances into our lives.
Cool Season Vegetables
Vegetable gardening doesn’t have to wait until warm weather to be in the forecast. Cool Season vegetables are heartier varieties that tolerate, and even thrive, in the cold soil of early Spring.
Mulch to Talk About - 5 Reasons to Add Mulch Now
There is no one, universal mulch for everything. There are pros and cons to every mulching material. Whatever the material, mulch needs to stay put to be effective, but should also be easy to remove and apply.
Kid & Pet Friendly Lawns
Your lawn may be doing more harm than good. The quest for greener grass on your side of the fence could be harming the environment.
Learn More About Creating Useful Compost
Composting is the biological process in which microorganisms convert organic material such as manure, leaves, grass, and food wastes into a soil-like material called compost.
Starting Seeds Indoors
Start seeds 4 to 6 weeks before you plant in the garden. Cool season crops like broccoli or lettuce can go into the garden before the last frost.
Let Us Grow Lettuce
There are many different types of lettuce, but all of them do best in cool temperatures, between 45 and 75 degrees—well suited for Spring and Fall weather.
Berry Good Advice for Gardeners
Let’s run through a berry quick overview to help you decide which berry to grow.
A Slice of Advice: The Best Tomatoes for your Garden
tomato-tone, growing tomatoes, organic gardening
There are more than 700 kinds of tomatoes to choose from, so let’s just review the basic types. Take a look at this short list of just a few to see how many you know and love (and are in your garden)
Hydrangeas: True Blue or Tickled Pink?
hydrangea care, hydrangea color, growing hydrangas
There are very few plants that you, the gardener, can actually choose the color you want them to be in your garden. Hydrangeas happen to be one of them. With some simple amendments to our soil, you can choose between making the blooms blue or pink.
Don't Be a Couch Tomato - Grow Your Own Tomatoes!
Nothing tastes more delicious than home grown tomatoes. If you’ve never grown your own, now is the time. It’s easy, fun, saves you plenty of money, and it’s a great way to introduce kids to gardening.