Potting Mix

Potting Mix
Potting Mix
Potting Mix
Potting Mix Potting Mix Potting Mix

Large bag soils (1 cubic ft or more) are only available to retail stores in the Pacific Northwest & the Eastern half of the United States. You may be able to purchase them by using the online option when clicking Where to Buy above.



Potting Mix

Espoma Organic Potting Mix is the ultimate potting soil for all your indoor and outdoor potted plants! It contains a rich blend of the finest natural ingredients and is enhanced with earthworm castings, feather meal, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, yucca extract, and our proprietary blend of mycorrhizae to ensure your plants grow deeper roots, greener foliage and more beautiful blooms.


  • Use on All Indoor & Outdoor Containers
  • Grow Bigger, More Beautiful Plants
  • Contains Root Enhancing Myco-tone®
  • 100% Natural & Organic Approved
  • Safe for People, Pets, and Planet

Total Guide to Growing Houseplants.Everything you need to know to grow happy, healthy, perfect houseplants.

Click here to view our Houseplant e-Book

For use on:

Potting Soil for all indoor and outdoor container plants.

When to use:

Any time planting containers.

Re-potting: Plants require regular re-potting for optimum growth. If your plant is not growing, or you see roots growing from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, it’s time to re-pot to larger container.

How much to use:

How to apply:

  • Select a container that is larger than your plants current pot, and has a drainage hole at the bottom with the tray beneath it to catch excess water.
  • To prevent soil from escaping, add a layer of small stones to the bottom of the container.
  • Fill container one third full with Espoma organic potting soil mix.
  • Add the appropriate amount of Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus, and mix thoroughly with the potting mix.
  • Carefully remove the plant from its current container and gently loosen the root ball.
  • Center the plant in the new container and fill it with additional potting mix.
  • Allow at least 1 inch between the rim of the pot in the top of the soil.
  • Gently pat down the mix and add more if required. Make sure the plant is about the same depth in the soil as it was in the original container.
  • Water plant thoroughly with a slow gentle spray and allowed to drain.

Growing Tips:
Watering: Avoid over watering by allowing the soil to dry to the touch between watering. Use a tray or saucer to catch water as it drains from the bottom. Do not allow plants to stand in water. Outdoor container plants can require frequent watering (once per day in hot, dry conditions).

Light: Some plants thrive in direct sun exposure while others prefer shade. Check plant tag or consult your local garden center to determine preferred exposure.

Feeding: Frequent watering can easily leach nutrients out from the root zone. Feed  plants at least monthly during the growing season with an Espoma Organic Plant Food beginning two weeks after planting.

Available in 4, 8, 16 qt., and 1 & 2 cu. ft. bags


This product contains 60-70% processed forest products, sphagnum peat moss, perlite, humus, limestone to adjust pH, earthworm castings, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, feather meal, & yucca extract.

Active Ingredients:

Ectomycorrhizal Fungi:  A total of 122.8 propagules / cc (3.4 million propagules per cubic foot) of the following 3 species:

Pisiolithus tinctorius                         105.66

Rhizopogon luteolus                         8.57

Rhizopogon roseolus                        8.57

Endomycorrhizal Fungi:  A total of 0.072 propagules  / cc (2,040  propagules per cubic foot) of the following 4 species

Rhizophagus irregularis                   0.018

Septoglomus deserticola                 0.018

Claroideoglomus etunicatum           0.018

Funneliformis mosseae                   0.018



Bio-tone Starter Plus

The Ultimate Starter Fertilizer

    Helps establish stronger roots, bigger plants and more abundant blooms.

  • In 4, 8, 18, & 25 lb. bags and 5 oz. packets.
View Product Details

All Purpose Plant Food

    All Purpose Fertilizer


  • In 16 oz. Bottles
View Product Details

Before you head to the garden center, please call to confirm product availability.

4 qt 8 qt 16 qt 1 cu. ft. 2 cu. ft.

Potting Mix 4 qt
