Dauphinais Dauphinais2024-08-02 11:11:062024-08-02 11:16:24VIDEO: Designing a NEW Garden with Summer Rayne Oakes
Join Kaleb Wyse from @WyseGuide as he shares top tips for planting shade-loving perennials. Learn how to tackle dry shade areas, prepare soil, and choose the right plants like Hostas and Japanese Forest Grass. Kaleb uses Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus to provide essential nutrients for blooming and growth. He also revitalizes outdoor containers using Espoma Organic Potting Soil and Plant-tone fertilizer.
Join Laura @GardenAnswer as she takes you on a tour through her vegetable gardens. Experience the joy she feels bringing her harvest to the table and learn what it takes to maintain healthy vegetable plants.
Laura enriches her soil with Espoma Organic Land & Sea Compost, creating a nutritious medium for her vegetables. At the time of planting, she uses Bio-tone Starter Plus to provide essential nutrients for establishment. For ongoing care, Laura feeds her established plants with Garden-tone, ensuring they remain healthy throughout the season and yield a bountiful harvest.
Join Summer Rayne Oakes from @FlockFingerLakes as she demonstrates planting the incredibly beautiful bloomer, Anemone coronaria ‘Mr. Fokker’ corms. Corms, which are fleshy underground stems that act as food storage structures in certain seed plants, take center stage in this tutorial. Summer will guide you through the process of preparing the corms for proper planting. Summer uses Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus when planting, ensuring that these Anemones yield magnificent, large blooms.
Venture out to the garden with Laura from Garden Answer as she takes on her next summer project, planting sun-loving shrubs and perennials.
To give her new plants a strong start, Laura uses Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus, to ensure they develop a strong root system quickly for optimal water and nutrient absorption from the soil.
Join Summer Rayne Oakes of @FlockFingerLakes on a tour of what was once a boring lawn and is now a beautiful garden. This garden boasts a variety of sections filled with everything from herbs and flowering plants for pollinators to shrubbery and trees. Summer delves into the details of each plant type, explaining its benefits to both her space and the local ecosystem.
During her garden renovation, Summer filled her raised garden beds with Espoma Organic Raised Bed Mix, ensuring a rich growing medium for her new plants. While planting, she also used Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus to give her plants the essential nutrients they needed for successful establishment. Dauphinais Dauphinais2023-08-11 11:51:042023-08-11 12:03:48Once a Lawn, Now a Beautiful Garden! ???|| Flock Finger Lakes
Watch as Laura @gardenanswer gets out to the garden to plant some beautiful perennials.
Laura Uses Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus at the time of all her plantings to ensure her new plants get the maximum water and nutrients they need to produce strong healthy roots in their new environment.
A beautiful garden that returns year after year and repels hungry deer sounds like a dream, but it can be real! Create an entire deer-resistant garden using plants these creatures strongly dislike.
Of course, a hungry deer will eat just about anything. These plants repel because they are fragrant, prickly or sap-filled. Utilize them strategically in your garden to keep deer away from favorites such as garden phlox or hosta.
Bee Balm
Bee balm repels deer with its minty scent, but pollinators can’t get enough. Bee Balm blooms in violet blue, red, pink or white from July through August and grows relatively tall, 2-3 feet. Boost your Bee Balm with Espoma’s Organic Flower-tone fertilizer for big, healthy flowers. Best suited for zones 4-8.
Besides being a garden must-have, lavender deters both mosquitoes and deer. Its fuzzy and fragrant leaves just do not appeal to deer. Most varieties flower between June and August. Lavender prefers full sun with well-drained soil. Feed with Espoma’s Plant-tone throughout the growing season. Hardy in Zones 5 through 9.
Black-eyed Susans
Named for their dark brown centers peeking out of the gold or bronze petals, black-eyed susans thrive in the sun. Because its covered in course hair, deer and rabbits stay far away from it. These daisy-like blooms are perfect for a late summer or fall bouquet. They tend to grow to about 2 feet tall and handle high heat and drought conditions well. Grow in full sun in zones 3-9.
Yarrow is a vibrant yellow perennial with fuzzy foliage that deers hate. It has a lengthy flowering time from June through September. It is a relatively tall flower with an average growth height of 2.5-3 feet. Give your flowers a strong soil base to help them thrive with Espoma’s Organic Garden Soil. Best suited for Zones 3-8.
The colorful bell shaped flower with freckles on the inside is lovely addition to deer-resistant gardens. This plant earns its deer-resistant label because it’s poisonous to deer (and humans). Many foxgloves are a biennial, so flowers don’t show up until the second year in the ground. Newer hybrid varieties are perennial, though. They are self-sowers, so if you leave the stalks in, they will continue to bloom year after year. Use Espoma’s liquid Bloom! to keep the flowers coming. Grow in Zones 4-9.
Bleeding heart
Known as a classic cottage staple, bleeding heart has a sap that deer find disagreeable. Beautiful blooms develop quickly in late spring and will last throughout summer and foliage stays lovely into fall. It’s easy to see why their floral pendants, in shades of rose pink and white, will pack a punch. You can never go wrong with a bit of romance. Hardy in Zones 4-8.
Summertime brings plenty of sunshine, relaxing days outdoors, fresh veggies ready for harvest farmers markets — and best of all, fresh flowers from your garden. The season’s hot weather makes it perfect for enjoying outdoor blooms and snipping a few off to create your own sun-kissed bouquet. Check out the below varieties that will add a big burst of color from late summer into fall.
Nothing says summer quite like a bright and cheery sunflower. Choose dwarf varieties which typically have smaller blooms and reach about 1 foot in height. They are perfect for small space gardening and children love planting these bright flowers. Grow in full sun or partial shade in Zones 1-10. Start sunflowers indoors in Espoma’s seed starting mix for extra flower power.
A classic favorite, dahlias dazzle with blooms from mid-July until September. Available in a variety of sizes, colors and designs, it’s hard to plant just one. These dazzling beauties will add style to your garden anywhere you plant them. While they are technically a tuber, you plant them the same way you would plant a bulb. Dahlias are winter hardy in zones 8-11, but gardeners in zones 2-7 can plant them in the spring.
Find zinnias in a variety of bright and beautiful colors. These heat-tolerant plants bloom quickly from mid-summer until frost and are easy to grow. The more you cut your zinnias, the more flowers the plants will produce. While these flowers are deer resistant, they are monarch butterfly favorites. Grow in full sun in Zones 1-10.
Hydrangeas embody everything we love about gardening. They have billowy texture, come in bright colors and are easy to care for. With their larger-than-life blooms and immense foliage, they can be planted anywhere from container to flower bed. Check with your local garden center to find the best hydrangea variety for your zone.
Perfectly purple lavender is a garden must-have. Their flowering period covers the summer months of June to August. As a bonus, their scent is known to deter pesky mosquitoes. Use lavender in a bouquet just on its own or as filler with other summer blooms. Best suited for zones 5-8.
Roses are the most classic flower to include in a garden. They’re prolific bloomers, fragrant and colorful. They are hardy in zones 4-9 and with the right care, can come back to thrive year after year. Feed your roses monthly with Espoma’s Organic Rose-tone to ensure proper growth.
Gerbera Daisies
With a bright and cheery demeanor, gerbera daisies have quite a bit of flair. They will have single, double or even multiple petals, which can add some texture and contrast to your garden. They will withstand the summer heat with their sturdy stems and big blooms. Feed regularly with Flower-tone to give their stems a boost. 08:00:082022-04-13 13:31:237 Flowers for a Sun-Kissed July Bouquet
Every year gardeners want to expand their gardens to offer new colors and plants to make it fresh.
This year, Ultra Violet is the color on trend, so we looked for the best purple plants to include. We created this list of a variety of flowers, foliage and pollinators to fit any need. Plus they all smell divine.
Not only is lavender a beautiful purple shade, but it has a strong fragrance that helps to alleviate stress. Lavender, with its attractive foliage, purple flowers and scent is the symbol of summer which is a must for every garden. Bloom time is from June to August.
Clusters of little purple flowers top the stems of this beautiful plant. Verbena is drought tolerant, so it fits into any climate. Bunched together this plant can pack a punch of color. Bloom time is from summer through fall.
East Friesland Salvia
This plant shines purple through and through. This salvia plant is popular for the long spikes of purple flowers that bloom in the summer and fall. It is a pollinator plant, attracting everything from bees to hummingbirds.
Perfect for containers near your entryways, Heliotrope is known for its vanilla fragrant flowers. It is a wonderful treat for summer, especially when paired with lemongrass and lavender. These purple flowers are small and dense, but should not be overlooked. Bloom time is summer through fall.
Purple Bee Balm
While the most popular varieties of bee balm is red, there are some beautiful selections that bring purple flowers. They are easy to grow and will bloom from summer through fall. It is a great pollinator plant, loved by hummingbirds and bees.
For even more options, head to your local garden center to see what plants work well for your area.
Once your new plants are established, feed regularly with Espoma’s Organic Grow! liquid fertilizer. It gives them the boost they need to have bright colors and vibrant blooms. 08:00:112024-08-16 15:15:37Purple Please – Top Purple Plants for Your Garden