Summer feeds her plant with Espoma Organic Grow! Grow! liquid plant food has a balanced 2-2-2 fertilizer analysis which is beneficial for replanting. It has a rich blend of natural proteins enhanced with kelp extracts, humic acids, and beneficial microbes to provide the nutrients your plants need to flourish.
Revitalize your outdoor space or that sunny spot by your window with a hardy succulent arrangement. Follow along with Summer Rayne Oakes as she crafts a beautiful, relaxing succulent Buddha bowl. Summer blends Espoma Organic Cactus Mix, Bonsai mix, Perlite, and Horticultural Charcoal to create the ultimate growing medium for her succulents. Dauphinais Dauphinais2023-09-01 08:09:402024-10-08 16:29:56VIDEO: Planting A Succulent Buddha Bowl with Summer Rayne Oakes ?
Join Summer Rayne Oakes from @FlockFingerLakes as she demonstrates planting the incredibly beautiful bloomer, Anemone coronaria ‘Mr. Fokker’ corms. Corms, which are fleshy underground stems that act as food storage structures in certain seed plants, take center stage in this tutorial. Summer will guide you through the process of preparing the corms for proper planting. Summer uses Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus when planting, ensuring that these Anemones yield magnificent, large blooms.
Join Summer Rayne Oakes of @FlockFingerLakes on a tour of what was once a boring lawn and is now a beautiful garden. This garden boasts a variety of sections filled with everything from herbs and flowering plants for pollinators to shrubbery and trees. Summer delves into the details of each plant type, explaining its benefits to both her space and the local ecosystem.
During her garden renovation, Summer filled her raised garden beds with Espoma Organic Raised Bed Mix, ensuring a rich growing medium for her new plants. While planting, she also used Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus to give her plants the essential nutrients they needed for successful establishment. Dauphinais Dauphinais2023-08-11 11:51:042023-08-11 12:03:48Once a Lawn, Now a Beautiful Garden! ???|| Flock Finger Lakes
Watch Summer Raye Oakes @FlockFingerLakes as she talks about a unique approach for plantings under trees.
Instead of mulching around your trees, Summer suggests planting what is known as a soft landing planting around strategic trees in the landscape. The idea is to plant native herbaceous plant species that provide a “Soft landing” plus critical shelter for insects like moths, butterflies, beetles, etc. to pupae as they fall from trees.
This practice boosts the variety of insects and, in turn, has a positive impact on the growth of bird populations. Additionally, strategic plantings beneath trees serve as a natural barrier, preventing the intrusion of undesirable weeds or deep-rooted grasses.
If your soil already has the proper soil Ph then we recommend using Espoma Organic Tree-tone when fertilizing your tree. For all plantings, we also recommend using Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus. Dauphinais Dauphinais2023-06-02 14:43:442023-08-04 11:55:46VIDEO: How to Pot a Japanese Maple in a Container || Flock Finger Lakes
Watch as Summer Rayne Oakes @FlockFingerLakes shows you how to Plant a Japanese Maple tree in the landscape.
Summer is transplanting a Japanese Maple (Acer Palmatum) ‘Cherries Jubilee’. It’s important to use a good starter fertilizer to help reduce transplant shock. Summer uses Espoma Organic Bio-tone Starter Plus to give this new tree the nutrients it needs to become established in the landscape.
Perennial crops don’t need to be replanted each year. After harvest, they automatically grow back. Many fruit, forage, and some vegetable crops, including fruit trees, alfalfa, grapes, asparagus, and olive trees, are perennial crops.
Sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem artichokes, are root vegetables that are members of the sunflower family. Sunchokes can grow to be 5 to 10 feet tall and produce beautiful yellow flowers and edible tubers that have a nutty flavor.
Asparagus plants can take three to five years to mature fully, but once they start producing you will be harvesting asparagus spears for more than a month every spring.