Kid & Pet Friendly Lawns
Your lawn may be doing more harm than good.
The quest for greener grass on your side of the fence could be harming the environment. By EPA estimates, Americans apply 90 million pounds of pesticides to their lawn and gardens every year, creating a potential hazard for adults, children and pets. In addition, synthetic fertilizers can burn your lawn and leach away into nearby waterways. And odds are your lawn products contain both of these ingredients.
Why go organic?
Organic lawn care is a great way to a safe and healthy lawn. A healthy lawn is the best defense against weeds, insects and diseases. For a healthy lawn, you need healthy soil, alive with earthworms and loaded with beneficial microbes. Healthy soils let grass roots grow deep, making them more resistant to drought and stress. To have a safe & healthy soil, you need to avoid using pesticides and synthetic fertilizers and follow the tips at right.
4 Tips for a Chemical Free Lawn
1. Go on an organic diet. Choose an organic lawn program like the new one from Espoma. Benefits include:
- No pesticides or synthetic ingredients
- Product lasts 2.5x longer than typical lawn foods
- Won’t burn your lawn or leach away
- Each bag covers 5,000 sq. ft.
- Safe to use around kids & pets
2. Water When the Rooster Crows
- Water early in the morning to avoid evaporation loss.
- Start watering at the first signs of stress in the Spring.
- Water deeper & less frequently in the Spring to encourage deeper rooting.
- During the summer, watering should be lighter & more frequent.
4. Sweeten the Soil (if necessary)
- Lawns require a pH range of 6 – 7 to utilize nutrients.
- If the pH is too low (acidic), sweeten it with lime.
- If the pH is too high (alkaline), acidify it with sulfur.
- You can check the pH with a simple home test kit.