


Espoma Organic GreenrockTM is an ideal supplement for all your flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs. It provides an all-natural source of iron, magnesium and calcium. These essential nutrients help promote plant growth, vigor and deep, dark green color. Espoma Organic GreenrockTM  is made from 100% pure basalt, a volcanic mineral formed under intense heat and pressure over millions of years. And because every ounce is packaged in our state of the art, solar powered plant, quality and consistency are guaranteed.


  • All-natural Alternative to Greensand
  • Source of Iron, calcium & Magnesium
  • Promotes deep green foliage
  • Helps prevent Iron Chlorosis
  • Safe for People, Pets & Planet

Greenrock Fact Sheet


For use on:

Use anywhere in the landscape or garden including potted plants;  flowers, vegetables, trees, shrubs, houseplants

When to use:

New Beds – Mix into the soil prior to planting

Established Plants – Use in the early Spring, or Fall

Houseplants – Use in Fall when bringing inside or Spring when moving outside

How much to use:

  •  New Garden Beds: Mix into top 4 inches of soil at a rate of 5-10 lbs. per 100 sq. ft.
  • New Plantings: Mix 1/4 cup into soil used to backfill the planting hole
  •  Established Plants: Use Spring & Fall
  •  Shrubs: Use 1 cup per foot of drip line diameter; double rate if diameter is larger than 3 feet.
  •  Trees: Use 1 cup per inch of trunk diameter; double for trees over 6 inches in trunk diameter.
  •  Flowers & Vegetables:  Apply 1/4 cup per plant
  • Potted Plants: Mix 1/2 cup into each cubic foot of soil. Feed established plants 1 teaspoon for each 3 inches of pot diameter. Repeat monthly.

Water thoroughly after applying

How to apply:

Mix into the soil prior to planting or sprinkle on the soil surface around the drip line of established plants.  Gently mix into soil without disturbing plant roots.  Water after the application.

Available In 7 lb. bags

Before you head to the garden center, please call to confirm product availability.
