Compost Starter

Espoma Organic Compost Starter is the ideal choice to help make rich, fertile compost – nature’s original soil conditioner. It is formulated to accelerate the process of home composting materials including manure, grass, leaves and food waste. Compost Starter contains billions of microbes specially cultured to speed the decomposition of difficult to compost organic matter. These are combined with the proper energy sources and pH balancers to assure composting success.


  • Helps Make Rich Fertile Compost
  • Contains Microbes for Fast, Healthy Composting
  • Speeds Decomposition of Difficult Materials
  • Quickly Converts Organic Waste to Rich Humus
  • Safe for People, Pets & Planet

For use on:

When to use:

How much to use:

Select a partially shaded site that is on level ground and at least 4 foot x 4 foot.
Add initial layer of waste including twigs and branches for air circulation. Layers should be 6 to 12 inches deep.
Add Compost Starter – one cup for 16 square feet of layer area.

Evenly moisten the layer but do not soak. Repeat with additional layers of waste adding Compost Starter and moisture with each new layer. Turn the pile once a week to allow air to penetrate the center.

Tips and Suggestions

  • Reducing the size of waste by shredding will speed the composting process.
  • Any organic waste can be composted including kitchen scraps, leaves, grass clippings, etc.
  • Composting meat scraps may attract animal pests.
  • If you experience problems, these can often be addressed by adding Compost Starter and turning the pile.
  • If you notice a foul odor, the process has turned anaerobic (not enough air). Turn the pile more often to allow air to penetrate the center.

How to apply:

Available in 4 lb. bags

1 lb. equals 3 cups

Before you head to the garden center, please call to confirm product availability.